We have multiple warehouses all over India, your order gets shipped to you from the warehouse that's nearest to you. If you order multiple items, they might get shipped from different warehouses due to product availability.
It will usually take 2-7 business days for all orders to arrive. Shipping times vary from product-to-product; based on demand and shipping location.
Yes, all customers will receive an order number after placing their orders. Please contact us if you don't receive one within 24 hours.
We accept all Major Credit Cards, Debit Cards, UPI, Net Banking, PayTM, etc. We also provide cash on delivery for most locations.
We do not sell any customer information. Emails are strictly for follow-up and to send newsletters of our promotions and coupons for discounts.
In the event you wish to cancel your order email us your order number at info@metroowl.in (NOTE: Contact us within 2 hours of order placement if you wish to cancel your order otherwise, your order might get shipped). Learn more by clicking this link : Refund & Cancellation Policy